well, these are the things i did for today...very enjoyable indeed! really re-lived my childhood for throughout the entire time i was in Toy R Us...superly duperly awesome! playing with all the toys and folling around with nicole and jannah! like power only! we laughed non-stop in there. really3 had loads of funn! seriously! there are loads more pictures we took, but i'm not going to post every picture here! we did alot of crazy stuff in there, but truly enjoyed doing them. even the other people looked at us, like one kind....still, i don't care! it was bloody awesome yaw! you guys should like actually try and play with all the toys. it's purely funn-tastic! i really want to go back there one day to play with all the toys again! HHAHA!
right after, we went to visit jeyda, who was working at the arts exhibition at vivo, ground level. the exhibition was interesting but kind of boring... no music, no nothing, but plainly dresses and costumes. i like the kimono dress, very nice! other than that, just plain. very plain. too plain. i like jeyda's uniform though! pink colour t-shirt! LOL! PINK! hahhahhaha!
yesterday, i went to dad's, to visit my sister. little sister, dania... she still looks the same. still cute!! like me! HAHHAHAHA! anyways, dad and I made our own kite... spend like hours doing it...measuring, cutting, scotch-taping... putting them together and all... we had great fun! laughed throughout the night... just so fun man...seriously, but in the morning he wanted to re-do the kite because he said it was too heavy...so, whatever...HHAHAHA! i didn't really help in the first place, maybe just a little. it was up to him whether he wants to dismantle, redesign...whatever it is to the kite...but the process, was great, going to treasure that moment forever! he even thought me this trick with matches...like power only! i felt like i almost burnt my hand...but it's so freaking awesome arhh...HHAHAHAH! (Y)
holidays are going well for me i guess... trainings as per normal...5pm, tuesdays, wednesdays and fridays! this saturday is Diva La. i think david is coming to support us all...he said he is going to come in a skirt and pom poms...i seriously want to see him do that! HAHHAHAHAH! let's just see! HHAHAHAHAHAH!RP Nuggetz all the freaking way!!!!